Sunday, March 25, 2007

72-Year-Old Man Finishes Stroll of 15,000 Miles

Chicago, April 2. - W. S. Chapman, 72 years old, is here today, having late yesterday completed a 15,000 mile walk. Chapman started from Baltimore, Md., March 9, 1916, on his long hike to win a wager of $3,500 put up by a club in New York. From the time he left Baltimore until he reached Chicago, the end of his journey, Chapman says he has not ridden in a vehicle of any sort. He walked west over Lincoln highway to San Diego, Cal., making the return journey by way of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and to Miami, Fla. From there he followed the Dixie highway to Chicago.

--The Ada Weekly News, Ada, Oklahoma, April 4, 1918, page 10.

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