Both Had Good Points
A southerner asked an old colored man what breed of chickens he considered the best and he replied: "All kinds has merits. De white ones is de easiest to find, but the black ones is the easiest to hide after you gits 'em."
Basis of Life
Even in the midst of great enterprises domestic affections prove the basis of life, and the most brilliant career has only incomplete and superficial enjoyments if it be a stranger to the happy bonds of family and friendship. - F. P. G. Guizot.
Value of Waste Paper
It is an interesting fact that waste paper can be so important a commercial factor. In Toronto, Canada, there are 10,000 tons of waste paper collected annually. For these there is received about $100,000. For just the ordinary waste paper the sum of $10 a ton is paid. But for the better grade of waste papers the price has been known to run as high as $40 a ton.
And Real Dead
Who so neglects learning in his youth loses the past and is dead for the future. -- Euripides.
--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911.
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