Sunday, March 25, 2007

Charles Chaplin

The Funniest Man in the World Coming.

People in Middlesboro little realize the drawing power in the larger cities of Charles Chaplin, "the funniest man in the world." He formerly played with the well known Keystone Company, and since we very seldom used that brand of service, it has been impossible in the past for us to offer our patrons photo plays containing his inimitable antics. If you have been in some of the larger cities in the past six month and have noticed a lobby display advertising CHARLES CHAPLIN, we'll wager what we have in our pocket to what is in yours that you had to stand up, if you got in at all.

Chaplin recently left the Keystone Company and entered the ranks of the Essonay Company, the last named concern having made a higher bid for his services. It is stated on good authority that he is now receiving a salary of $50,000 per year, and after you see a sample of his work, you will not wonder why.

In order to make our patrons laugh and see them enjoy themselves when in our theatre, we have arranged, by paying a big extra price, to have a Charles Chaplin comedy every Saturday night beginning Saturday, April 10th. On that date we will offer his first release under the Essanay trademark, "His New Job." Critics say that it is the best comedy ever made. This, as well as most of the others that we will offer every Saturday, is in two parts.

--The Pinnacle News, Middlesboro, Kentucky, April 1, 1915, page 7.

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