"Archimedes," read the pupil, "leaped from his bath, shouting, 'Eureka! Eureka!'"
"One moment, James," the teacher says. "What is the meaning of 'Eureka!'"
"'Eureka' means 'I have found it.'"
"Very well. What had Archimedes found?"
James hesitates a moment, then ventures hopefully:
"The soap, mum." -- Christian Intelligencer.
Better Days
He (with a little sign) -- This is the third winter hat you have had this year.
She -- Well, but dearest, summer will soon be here now.
Even Her Mother
Her Mother -- I feel, Mr. Owens, that I can trust my daughter to you.
Owens -- You can indeed, madam; everybody trusts me.
It is a good thing to know where you are going, and what you are going there for.
If you are acquainted with happiness introduce him to your neighbor. -- E. Brooks.
Heroism is endurance for one moment more. -- W.T. Grenfell.
The only proof against disappointment is to expect the unexpected.
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