Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ellis High School Alumni Day

May Seventeenth -- Alumni Day.

Alumni Day for the Ellis High school has been set for May 17th. If you are a graduate of Ellis High school celebrate with us and become a boy or a girl again for a short half day.

At 1 o'clock we will meet at the old school, sing a few songs and get together once again. At 2 we go to the ball ground where we will try to show the present High school boys that the boys of yesterday can play ball better, run better and jump better than they can. Girls, be there to root and help us win.

In the evening we meet at the Opera house for an evening of enjoyment. Besides other specialties, the "Class of 1909" will present a farce, entitled "A Midsummer Madness." The Alumni orchestra will render "The Tune the Old Cat Died On" and other time-worn selections. Initiation of graduates will take place and there will be dancing.

Last of all there will be a banquet at the Ellis House. We expect this to be the most enjoyable event of the day and know every one will be there to do his part. There will be toasts and responses from the classes.

Please let the secretary, Miss Verna Martin, know whether you intend to come. If not possible to come send some word as we wish to make this meeting as representative of all classes as possible.

The Ellis High School Alumni association was formed last May for the purpose of bringing the gradu[ates back together.]

--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, May 5, 1911, page 1.

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