Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The End of the World


Holy Rollers Certain That It Will Come on June 21.

Duxbury, Mass., April 15,-The end of the world is coming again, according to another vision of Eva Brown of Pawtucket, and hundreds of Triune Immersionists began a convention here to prepare for the expected event. This coming end of the world is to be "without fail."

June 21 is the date set by Miss Eva's vision for the world's finish. Eva announces that "something terrible is to happen on June 21."

The Triune Immersionists have been called Holy Rollers and "End of the World Leaders." But the first of these names is the one which they use themselves. It comes from the triple form of immersion, which is conducted at the conventions. Hundreds were immersed last year.

At that time many gave away their earthly goods and chattels and waited confidently for the termination of this earth. When the expected failed to happen the immersionists went over their calculations and ascertained that a mistake had occurred.

--Fitchburg Daily Sentinel, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, April 15, 1910, page 12.


Eva Brown, a young woman associated with that eccentric religious body known as the Holy Rollers, predicted the end of the world for June 21st. Families among the faithful were disrupted, believers sold their property instead of giving it away, as logically they should have done, and others abandoned their business. Yet here we are still doing business at the old stand. The earth is speeding on in its orbit, and the eternal grind of human affairs is going on in the usual fashion. It would save some people a lot of trouble in the opinion of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, if they could take a course in the history of religious delusions. For 2,000 years prophets of terrestrial ruin have been fixing dates for the final wind-up; yet the catastrophe has never materialized.

--Olean Evening Times, Olean, New York, June 27, 1910, page 2.


PAWTUCKET, R.I., June 17.-Pretty nineteen-year-old Eva Brown, prophetess of the sect known variously as "Latter Day Reigners," "Holy Rollers," "End of the World Leaders" and "Triune Immersionists," whose prophecy of the end of the world caused many members to dispose of their property and migrate to Duxbury, Mass., last fall, to await the termination of the earth, has the faithful again in a turmoil over her prediction that something awful is going to happen to this mundane sphere on June 21.

As a result a thousand or more members of the faith are preparing to hold another convention at Duxbury. Miss Brown does not say whether the "something terrible will be the actual end of the world, a heavy frost in the tropics, or the appearance of a mouse in church at prayer meeting.

When the expected failed to happen the other time the Immersionists went over their calculations carefully and ascertained that a mistake had been made. Miss Brown has announced in advance that there will be no mistake this time.

--The Racine Daily Journal, Racine, Wisconsin, June 18, 1910, page 7. (The grainy picture above is from this source.)



Holy Rollers Take Miss Eva's Advice; Scheduled For June

Duxbury, Mass., April 15.-The end of the world is coming again, according to another vision of Eva Brown of Pawtucket, and hundreds of Triune Immersionists began a convention here to prepare for the expected event This coming of the end of the world "is to be without fail" June 21 is the date set by Miss Eva's vision for the world's finish. Eva announces that "something terrible is to happen on June 21."

"On June 21 the sun leaves Aries and enters Cancer," she said. "This signifies some unusual development, the exact nature I do not care to say. What will happen on June 21 will be of special significance to everybody on this earth."

The Triune Immersionists have been called Holy Rollers and "End of the World Leaders," but the first of these names is the one which they use themselves.

Hundreds gave away their earthly goods and chattels and waited confidently for the termination of the earth last year. When the expected failed to happen the Immersionists went over their calculations carefully and ascertained that a mistake had occurred.

--Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1910, page 4.


Anticipating the end of the world on June 21st more than 400 religious enthusiasts at Duxbury, Mass., have worked themselves up to a state of frenzy. They eat but two meals a day and drink hot water for a beverage.

--Olean Evening Times, Olean, New York, April 19, 1910, page 2.



At Least That Is the Prediction of Holy Rollers' Prophetess

Duxbury, Mass., April 18.-By the courtesy of Prophetess Eva Brown, the Holy Rollers learned that the end of the world will come at 15 minutes before noon on Tuesday, April 19. To prepare for the end, sixteen converts waded out into the frigid water of the mill pond at Ashdod Sunday and were forced beneath the water in the triple baptism of the tri-immersionists, while a rejoicing multitude; stood upon the bank and sang.

Men and women of 55 went through the ordeal, as well as girls from 18 to 25 years of age, 15-year-old boys and one little girl only 8 years old.

--Fitchburg Daily Sentinel, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, April 18, 1910, page 9.

Comment: The above article may have misunderstood what date Eva Brown meant.

There's an article at this link that says:
Three hundred Triune Immersionists, defeated in their hopes of the end of the world, are now sadly plodding back from West Duxbury, Mass., to the homes they left shortly ago, some as far away as Virginia, to pick up again the thread of the earthly life they thought they had laid down forever. Not only that. Many of them are going back to face scenes of desolation and destitution. Believing the usefulness of worldly goods outlived, they gave up their jobs, abandoned their businesses, sold their property and donated all they had to the church.
Comment: And from an entirely different point of view:


Paris, Feb. 1.- A coterie of scientists have practically pronounced a death sentence on the, earth, and the time of execution is fixed for the year 1912. The scientists are chiefly French who are responsible for this latest sensation in the way of predictions of the "important-if-true" kind. They say the sun will be at a low ebb of activity in the year 1912 and that there will be a hardening of the earth's elastic crust. The vast masses of hot material comprising the earth's interior will have to throw off their pent up, squeezed up energies. There will be explosions, volcanoes, earthquakes. eruptions. The whole planet may be rent and torn as the moon was when it lost its life.

--Olean Evening Times, Olean, New York, February 1, 1909, page 1.

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