A liar.
A sponger.
A blatherskite.
A smart Alec.
Its richest man.
Some pretty girls.
A weather prophet.
A girl who giggles.
Half a dozen lunatics.
A woman who tattles.
One Lincoln Republican.
A man who knows it all.
One Jacksonian Democrat.
More loafers than it needs.
Men who see every dog fight.
A boy who acts up in church.
A few meddlesome old women.
A "thing" who stares at women.
A mutton head who tries to run everything.
A few who try to run the affairs of the country.
A girl who goes to the post office every time the mail comes in.
A legion of smart fellows who can tell the editor how to run his paper.
Scores of men with the caboose of their trousers worn smooth as glass. --Exchange.
--The Deming Headlight, Deming, New Mexico, May 7, 1920, page 4.
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