The harem skirt ought to fool the mouse some.
The farmer, unlike the consumer, goes to seed in the spring.
Soon again the housefly will engage attention as an enemy to mankind.
Missouri has the corncob pipe record. This, however, is not regarded as a sporting event.
And the industrious cow has taken her place in the hall of fame beside the industrious hen.
According to an English professor, the human race is 170,000 years old. It hasn't much sense for its age.
Now Wellesley proposes to raise cats for laboratory purposes, why not utilize them for the glee club, also?
The witchcraft of 200 years ago is now called malignant animal magnetism, and it is the same old article.
Advertisements from 1911:
MAPLEINE FLAVORING - Use it like lemon and vanilla. A delicious syrup is made by dissolving white sugar in water and adding Mapleine. Grocers sell Mapleine; if not, send 35c for 2 oz. bottle and recipe book. Write to Dept. H, CRESCENT MFG. CO., Seattle, Wash.
Comment: Don't really write, the offer is expired ... I assume.
For a disordered liver, take Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative. All druggists.
--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911
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