Just after the doors of the First National Bank swung open this morning a pretty, little girl walked up to the window and said she wanted to buy a $50 Liberty Bond. She had something heavy in her hand. As the receipt for the bond was handed to her, she lifted the heavy bundle to the window and the teller was surmised to find within the sack 1,000 Buffalo nickels, enough to pay for the bond. They represented the saving of over a year, all poured out on the altar of her country.
The little girl is Jala Guin, daughter of Z. R. Guin, who is in business on East Main street.
Follow the Good Road.
Follow the good road, and it will lead to a good town and by many a good farm.
Dragging Public Roads.
It is not difficult to prove that dragging the public roads regularly at the proper time probably is the most economical method of highway improvement.
Road Dragging Up Ahead.
Even at maximum costs road dragging is ahead of other maintenance both as to result and for economy.
Use Full Width of Road.
Let the traffic to use the full width of the roadway.
--The Ada Weekly News, Ada, Oklahoma, April 11, 1918, page 10.
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