There are wobblers among us.
Everybody knows that.
Look out for them.
Don't let them fall over.
What's a wobbler? A wobbler is a person who is loyal as long as things are running smoothly with him, but who is likely to burst plumb into disloyalty the minute little old adversity shows up.
Don't let him fall. Get to him. Talk to him. Talk straight. Talk of sense and talk hard.
If he's leaning against the war because he doesn't like the fuel order, smash a hole in his logic. Show him that nothing on earth can mar the justice of our war aims, nothing on earth can remove the necessity for our entry into the war. And show him that as long as that is true no reason on earth is reason enough for refusing the last ounce of support for the war and for the government that we have set up to run the war!
If he's got a grouch on profiteers and is for that reason swinging against the war show him where he's wrong.
Show him that the thing to do is to get the profiteers but not to hamper the war. Get the profiteer because he stands in the way of our war strength -- But stand with the war and with the government to the finish!
There is no excuse for the wobbler. If he tries to frame up one don't let him get away with it.
Watch the wobblers.
Don't let them fall over!
Swat the Profiteer.
The profiteer -- who is so nimble?
Who is so wily and so oily and so sticky?
Curses on him. Swat him. Soak him.
He helps the kaiser. He makes it hard for the working people of America. He is tricky. He does harm. He is a hog.
We've got to win this war; we are going to win this war -- and we don't want profiteers gumming up the machinery while we're fighting to win this war.
Down with the profiteer. Out with him. Swat him. Soak him. Take away his game so he can't play. For while he is in the ring he wins and we lose.
Nearly 25,000 children in France are receiving aid from the American Red Cross at the present time.
--The Iowa Unionist, Des Moines, Iowa, February 14, 1918, page 22
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