Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pathetic Scene at Depot

KENDALLVILLE, Ind., March 23 -- A pathetic scene was that enacted at the union depot this morning, when a mother and her three-year-old baby were reunited after a ruthless separation of nine months. Some months ago Mrs. Rosa Case, of Rome City, wife of Charles Case, left her husband on account of his excessive drinking and went to live with her parents west of LaOtto, taking her little daughter with her. About nine months ago, Mrs. Case says, the husband took the child and since then she has tried to get possession. She hesitated to begin legal proceedings, but was finally compelled to do so and as she had in her possession some very damaging letters of Mr. Case's she agreed to exchange the letters for the child and this morning the exchange was made through the efforts of Mrs. Case's father and an officer of the law. Mrs. Case and her father reached Kendallville on the 9:35 G. R. & I. train from the south and Mr. Case and his friends were in waiting. The mother, avoiding the husband, went direct to the depot, the baby staying with its father in the buggy until he was satisfied that the letters were turned over to him. The efforts of the mother to win some sign of recognition from the child were indeed pathetic. The little one showed no signs of recognition, but looked on in mute astonishment. The mother and child returned to Collins on the next train.

--Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, March 24, 1907, page 6.

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