Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Really Opened Their Eyes

Parishioner's Remark, However, Left Young Minister Somewhat in the Dark.

Rev. Henry R. Rose in the Newark Star tells the story of a young minister who had recently taken charge of a small parish in Vermont. He aspired to greater things and a large field, and in the hope that his reputation would travel beyond the limits of the village to which he had been sent he threw into his sermons all the force and eloquence at his command. He was, however, totally unprepared for what was intended for a compliment, but which was put to him in such a way that it left him in doubt as to the real impression he had made. One Sunday morning, after an especially brilliant effort, he was greeted by an old lady, who was one of the most faithful attendants at all services. Approaching the young minister, she said: "Ah, sir, we do enjoy your sermons so much; they are so instructive. Do you believe it, we never knew what sin was until you can to the parish."

--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911.

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