Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Roosevelt Had Narrow Escape

A Large Rhinoceros was Almost Upon Him.


The Rhino Made the Forty-Fifth Animal that has Fallen Under their Accurate Aim.

NAIROBI, British East Africa, May 10.—Colonel Theodore Roosevelt today undoubtedly owes his life to the coolness and unerring aim which the combination yesterday brought to death a large bull rhinoceros that was furiously charging upon him.

Roosevelt fired a bullet into the brain of the rhinoceros when it was but 14 paces from him and rushing forward like a wild engine. The bullet was fatal, but so fierce was the rush of the rhino that it plunged on almost to the feet of the Colonel before falling dead.

The rhino made the 45th animal that has been killed by Roosevelt and Kermit.

--Warren Evening Mirror, Warren, Pennsylvania, May 10, 1909, page 1.

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