Frequent seismic manifestations of late had prepared the world for news of some such upheaval as that which is reported off the coast of Salvador, accompanied by the sinking of a small island. This has involved a lamentable loss of life, and illustrates anew the peril of making homes in the earthquake-ridden sections of the earth, for several similar catastrophes have occurred in that quarter.
In Colorado they propose a law making it an offense for doctors to cut out patients' appendices unless it is necessary. The enactment of such a statute would enable us to foresee the time when professional ethics would require every doctor to testify that all his brother practitioners' appendix-pruning was positively required.
Feminine Financiering
He -- I've won our bet on the football game and you owe me ten kisses.
She (a commercial school graduate) -- Very well, I'll give you a draft on mamma.
Advertisement (1911)
Nothing Can Compare with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for genuine goodness when the system has been weakened by some severe illness or when you suffer from Poor Appetite, Sour Risings, Headache, Bloating, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Colds, Grippe and Malaria. Thousands have found this true during the past 57 years. Why not you today, but be sure to get the genuine.
--The Ellis Review-Headlight, Ellis, Kansas, 1911.
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