Wednesday, April 4, 2007

After World War I, Battle of the Sexes Predicted


Says Clash Will Come After War and Will Be Epochal


Will Equal in Severity Anything Known Since Days of Mythological Amazons - Independent Women Basis for Gloomy Forecast

London, Jan. 7.-Warfare between the sexes such as has been unknown since the days of the mythological Amazons, is predicted for England after the war by Prof. Marion Phillips, D. Sc.

Prof. Phillips bases this gloomy prediction upon the great mass of women who will be independent. A mighty commercial war is expected to follow the conflict of arms, in which unprecedented competition will be the chief factor.

The war has already opened numberless positions in the working world to women, and the contention is that they will fight against giving them up when peace is declared.

The prediction is made that suffragette militantism on an enormous scale will follow, and there will be bloodshed if attempts are made to force women back into the niche they formerly occupied.

The remedy suggested by Prof. Phillips is absolute equality:

The same work and the same wages for men and women; the same responsibilities and the same competitions.

"The scene which confronts us is a gloomy one," says Prof. Phillips. "A horde of men and women, many wasted by the hard work of these years of trial, trade depression, and a wave of poverty and exhaustion, are all held by the future years. Men will return from the war to find their places taken by women, and women will be displaced because work has ceased.

"In this scene are all the elements of sex warfare of a very terrible nature - sex warfare in which the male workers and the women dependent upon them are ranked against women who must work or die."

--The Syracuse Herald, Syracuse, New York, January 7, 1916, page 2.

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