This Time Uncle Sam Didn't Want to Use Cable Code.
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 18. — The only instance during post-armistice days when an American mission in Europe dispensed with the code and sent a message "straight" to the State Department, came to light here a day or two ago.
It was during the trying days in Hungary when it appeared probable that a member of the Hapsburg family would regain the throne.
Several American Army officers were so impressed by the popular sentiment in favor of Archduke Joseph that they sent a message to the State Department in code asking whether the United States would recognize the archduke. An urgent cable was sent back in code, which read: "No, no, no."
A day passed, then another. Finally, the State Department received a message which was not in code. It read:
"Archie on the skids."
And joy reigned in the department where it was realized the cable sans code was a mystery to any one but a Yankee.
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