Says She Killed Pair for Objecting to Son's Marriage -- Youth's Sister Recovers
SALINA, Kan., May 20. -- A statement that he had taken part in the killing of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bunch of Lincoln Center, Kan., who died from poisoning a year and a half ago, has been made to the county authorities by Lee Bunch, according to report.
During the day Miss Stella Hyman, 20, is said to have told the authorities she had killed the Bunches by putting fly poison in their food. Mrs. Bunch was Miss Hyman's sister. Miss Hyman told the authorities the alleged killing was actuated by the fact that the Bunches refused to permit their son to marry her.
She also said she had placed poison in the food of Miss Nancy Bunch, sister of Lee Bunch. Miss Nancy Bunch recovered, but, according to physicians, will be an invalid permanently.
The poison was administered to Mrs. Bunch some time between July 21 and 25, 1918, Miss Hyman said. She died Aug. 1. After his return from the funeral, Mr. Bunch continued his abuse, according to Miss Hyman.
"I thought I might as well kill him as to have him kill me," her statement says, after saying that he used a revolver in threatening her.
On Aug. 14 Mr. Bunch died. Because of the similarity of the symptoms preceding the two deaths, an inquest was held. Since then officers have been working quietly on the case, with the result that Miss Hyman and Lee Bunch were arrested and are being held on charges for investigation. Having confessed the poison plan, as alleged, a charge of murder will be placed against them.
--The Saturday Blade, Chicago, May 22, 1920, page 4.
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