Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Desire to Leap, Commit Suicide at Niagara Falls



An Unexpected Sensation Experienced by Many Persons.

Many persons who visit Niagara falls find they have a great desire to leap from various points on the several bridges or from one of the numerous points of observation. For this reason, after once having experienced the fascinating sensation that coaxes them on to death in the deep and rapid running waters, they never go near any of the seductive points without being in company with some one who will guard them from harm as a result of what perhaps might be termed by some their weakness.

Many people who have visited Niagara have confessed that the waters of the beautiful river had a weird fascination for them while standing at places where death would be easy by simply letting go one's hold and slipping into the river, and people saved from suicide there have admitted that they knew no reason why they should end their lives, but the scene was so delightful that it coaxed them to seek the peace of death there.

In other places than at Niagara the public comes in touch with folks who, when on an elevation, have a proneness to jump off, and for this reason they keep away from all such danger points. An interesting explanation of this desire is that given some years ago by Professor Low of the army balloon corps. He had frequently invited a newspaper correspondent to make an ascension with him, but each time the invitation was declined.

Later he told the professor of the temptation be had to jump from high places and that he feared making an ascent. For this he was laughed at, the professor stating that the reason people had such desires was that they were full of electricity; that the magnetic current in the earth was the attraction and that what he was standing on carried the current. He also said that up in a balloon the continuity was cut off. Finally the man made an ascension and found that the desire to jump was not present. It is a curious statement. — Philadelphia Record.

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