Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Divine Healer Stops Flow of Blood Following Fight

Indianapolis, 1917

A divine healer demonstrated to Sergt. Thomas and a squad of police Saturday night his power when he stopped the flow of blood from a number of stab wounds which Mattie Brown, colored, 715 West Thirteenth street, suffered. It is said the stabbing was done by Grant Lightfoot, colored, of the same address, who alleged the woman owed him 50 cents. The Brown woman ran to 416 Cora street where the police were called. Lightfoot escaped.

The woman was lying on a bed bleeding profusely from the wounds. The police said a young negro approached and asked to be permitted to see her. The crowd that had gathered around the woman was ordered back by the police and the negro approached and waved his hands over the wounded woman while he mumbled strange words. The police said the bleeding stopped in about a minute. When questioned by the police all the man would say was that he was a "divine healer." The woman was sent to the City Hospital, where it is said her condition is serious.

--The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, November 12, 1917, page 8.

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