Indiana, 1909
Northern Indiana News and Gossip (only pieces of the column follow)
Gertrude, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Austin, near Mishawaka, has been missing for several days and it is feared she has been stolen by a band of gypsies encamped near the place.
Mrs. Michael Gray, of Bluffton, was arrested and fined for whipping the child of a neighbor.
Mrs. R. A. Brown, of Huntington, who has been spending the summer at Northport, Mich., was attacked by a large bald eagle a few days ago, but succeeded in beating the huge bird of before it had inflicted more than a few scratches upon her.
When Steven Cotton, a Wells county farmer, was stricken by heart trouble and sank unconscious in the field where he was plowing Thursday, his faithful dog summoned assistance by running to the Cotton home and barking, then darting back to the field where his master lay. Mrs. Cotton went to her husband's assistance and he soon revived.
George Young, for sixteen years proprietor of a meat market at Huntington, has sold out to Louis Diffenbaugh, who is moving the fixtures of the establishment to Fort Wayne.
Peter Flum, 89 years of age, died Saturday at his home northwest of Osslan. He was a pioneer resident of Wells county, having located there in 1849, and was widely known.
The ax used by J. Henney, an Avilla liveryman in splitting wood, struck a clothesline, was deflected and cut an extensive gash in Mr. Henney's scalp that required five stitches to close.
Major N.N. Boydston claims the distinction of being the only resident of Warsaw to unfurl the American flag on Thursday in honor of the discovery of the north pole by Dr. Frederick Cook.
--Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 8, 1909, page 11 (partial).
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