Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Heber Brothers Circus - Ponies, Dogs, and Monkeys

Ohio, 1911


Heber Brothers Will Show Under Canvas on West Main Street.

Heber Brothers' Shows, presenting circus, minstrels and vaudeville, will exhibit to-night, on the lots adjoining The Auditorium. The program presents leading acts of the circus ring and the minstrel and vaudeville stage. The band will play a free concert before the opening of the doors of the main entrance. The act and features of the show are: Rollo H. Heber and his performing Ponies, Dogs and Monkeys; the Flying LaVons, Trapeze and Roman Ring Aerialists; Big Four Clowns in Ludicrous Stunts, the Acrobatic Franklins; Burn and Burns, International Spectacular Dances; Heber Bros. in their famous Comedy Acts; the Jeffersons, in sketch "Vacation Time;" the Anthoneys, Slack Wire Artists and Contortion Equilibrists, In the Minstrels, Lon Washburn, Ed Fox, LeRoy Barrett and Geo. Heber endmen, Reginald Jefferson, Interlocutor, with other blacked face comedians introducing Funny Songs, Jokes and Dances.

—The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio, July 7, 1911, page 3.

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