Monday, April 30, 2007

Likes Jail So Much, Now a Career in Law Enforcement

New Jersey, 1917


Hackensack, N. J. — Ten months ago George Wilkins of Englewood started a term in the Bergen county jail for embezzlement of funds from the Englewood Golf club.

During the ten months George has achieved things, to wit: Won admiration by songs, helped tabulate election votes, conducted Christmas reception, captivated reformers by his "sweet manners." Widespread was George's fame and plots were hatched to wean him away from Sheriff Caurter, but George liked his surroundings so much he refused to leave. And now that his term is up he is going to remain where he is — as the sheriff's confidential clerk.

—New Oxford Item, New Oxford, PA, Aug. 23, 1917.

Making 'Em Bite.

A street car passenger stooped to pick up something from the floor.
"Who has lost a dime?" he asked.
At once half a dozen passengers began fumbling in their pockets, until one of them held out his hand and declared that he had dropped the coin.
"Does it bear the date — 1860?" inquired the finder.
"Yes, certainly."
"Is one side rather worn?"
"Just so."
"Here you are, then," said the finder and handed him a trousers button."

In the Rear.

Stella—Was Jack wounded at the front, then?
Maud—No; he came home on leave and sat on a wasp's nest.

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