Saturday, April 28, 2007

LOL Funny - Ernie Bushmiller's Fritzi-Ritz Cartoon

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The cartoon is by Ernie Bushmiller, more famous probably for Nancy and Sluggo. As for me, I had never heard of this one, Fritzi Ritz, till today. I saw a Nancy cartoon the other day and it refreshed my memory that her aunt's name was Aunt Fritzi, so maybe Ernie liked the sound of the word. Some of these old cartoons that are unfamiliar are a little amusing, but since you don't know the characters or their ongoing relationships, they aren't really that funny. This one is laugh-out-loud funny without knowing the relationships, if nothing else for the absurdity of it, plus the monkey going psycho at the end.

The date is April 9, 1930. And it was probably published in many papers, this one from Indiana Evening Gazette, Pennsylvania, IN. Looks like maybe page 12.

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