Friday, April 27, 2007

Philip, Macedonian King, Drunk or Sober


Philip, the Macedonian king, while drowsy with wine was trying a case and the prisoner after sentence was pronounced, exclaimed, "I appeal." "And to whom do you appeal?" inquired the astonished monarch. "I appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober," replied the prisoner, and the king granted the request and at a rehearing gave the prisoner his liberty.

The people drowsy with the wine of discord ofttimes pronounce a verdict on public questions which they reverse in their more calm and deliberate moments. The next best thing to making no mistakes is to correct them.

His Ambition.

"While I have been cordially detested during the most of my life, with or without ample justification," stated J. Fuller Gloom. "I intend to at least not be a nuisance after death. To that end I have consistently refrained from making epigrams, manufacturing maxims and uttering sonorous sentences, to be repeated to helpless children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me."— Judge.

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