Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sees Sir Isaac Newton in Dreams, Ignorant on Science



No Wonder the Shade of Sir Isaac Newton Was Disgusted.

Augustine Birrell, author and statesman, at a newspaper men's dinner told a unique ghost story.

"I have been haunted ever since I was almost a boy," he said, "by the constant repetition of one and the same dream. It comes to me again and again. It is this: I dream I am walking about somewhere in some plain or desert, and I suddenly encounter the agitated ghost of Sir Isaac Newton. He approaches me, his eyes almost starting out of his head; he tells me who he is and how ignorant he is of all that has happened in the world of science since he left.

"'Now,' he says, 'I want you to tell me in a few words, for I have only a quarter of an hour left, all that has happened to the race — the progress. How is it? I know what it was when I left it. What is it now?' My heart sinks, and, covered with confusion. I stumble. I stutter. I stammer. I become more and more involved, my ignorance becomes more and more apparent, and at last the unhappy ghost, throwing up his hands, leaves me with dismay.

"That dream constantly comes to me. The only difference is that the moment the unhappy Sir Isaac Newton sees me now he says, 'Oh, that old ignoramus!' and departs." — Pall Mall Gazette.

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