Sunday, April 29, 2007

Vagrant Ordered Out of Town, Stays Anyway, Now In Jail

Reno, 1905

Lincoln Hayes Likes Judge Nash's Court

Lincoln Hayes, who came before Judge Nash on the charge of vagrancy last Saturday was given a floater at that time of six hours to leave the city. After thanking the judge very kindly and promising to go on to his rich relatives he left the court.

As the judge seemed kind and easy to Hayes he didn't hurry off to any other metropolis. He thought he liked the town and concluded to camp.

On Sunday Hayes got loaded and wandered into the Palace saloon, at which place he tried to re-arrange the furniture to suit himself. An officer was called and Hayes was placed in jail to answer a charge of disturbing the peace. When he came to trial yesterday morning before Judge Nash, however, the judge disregarded the latter charge and gave him thirty days on the former charge of vagrancy.

—Daily Nevada State Journal, Reno, NV, Feb. 28, 1905, p. 3.

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