Sunday, April 1, 2007

Whole Family Arrested for Horsewhipping Youth

Richmond, Indiana, 1909

Whole Family Arrested for Horsewhipping Youth.

Richmond, Ind., Sept. 6.—The entire family of William C. Bass will appear in the city court today to answer to charges of assault and battery on Arthur Englebert. The family includes Mr. and Mrs. Bass, Miss Isabelle Bass and Ellsworth Bass.

The charge of assault and battery grows out of a horsewhipping that Miss Bass administered to young Englebert when she says she learned that he was circulating stories detrimental to her.

The Bass and Englebert families reside close together and Englebert was caught in passing the Bass home and was lashed with a blackshake whip until he was scarcely able to walk.

It is said Englebert apologized before he was allowed to leave the Bass home. He meant to let the matter drop, but the affair became public and he then swore out warrants against the Bass family. At first he tried to obtain a revolver and revisit the Bass home for revenge, but he was dissuaded from this.

--Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 8, 1909, page 2.


New York Woman Who Slew Faithless Lover Expires Happily.

New York, Sept. 6.—Still unrepentant for her act, Elizabeth Clara Becker, the young woman who on Saturday killed John A. Gunther, Jr., the garage proprietor, with whom she lived, and then shot herself, died today at a Brooklyn hospital. Her last words expressed satisfaction that Gunther was dead. The woman said she shot him because he was untrue to her.

--Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 8, 1909, page 2.

Chocolate quinine proved so toothsome to the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Emley, of Huntington, that the little tot drank eight tablespoonsful of the medicine during the absence of her mother. The child will recover, but may be deaf as a result of the dose.

--Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 8, 1909, page 2.

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