Persons traveling much by railway are subject to continual annoyance from the flying cinders.
On getting into the eye they are not only painful for the moment, but are often the cause of long suffering that ends in a total loss of sight. A very simple and effective cure is within the reach of everyone, and would prevent much suffering and expense were it more generally known. It is simply one or two grains of flax seed. It is said they may be placed in the eye without injury or pain to that delicate organ, and shortly they begin to swell and dissolve a glutinous substance that covers the ball of the eye, enveloping any foreign substance that may be in it. The irritation or cutting of the membrane is thus prevented, and the annoyance may soon be washed out.
A dozen of these grains stowed away in the vest pocket may prove, in an emergency, worth their number in gold. The foregoing remedy, from the Mining and Scientific Press, appears to be based on the homeopathic principle, "Like cures like." Whether the sticking of flaxseeds into an inflamed eye is likely to prove beneficial is questionable. Better pull out the cinder with a looped horse hair.—Scientific American.
Note: If you are seeking medical advice concerning eye troubles, or any other trouble, please consult with your physician. The article quoted above is from 1878. The information on this page is for entertainment or historic value only, and is not meant to diagnose or recommend particular care plans or curative measures. And when it comes to looped horse hair, please find horse hair that has been professionally looped, that you will be sure the procedure was done according to current and prevailing standards.
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