Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Clippings — "Miss Tanner Married Mr. Hyde"

Ohio, 1878


Did you ever see a country town that hadn't the best brass band in the state?

When a man threatens to blow out his brains don't be alarmed — he can't find 'em.

The war just closed is the sixth Russia-Turkish war, of which four have been disastrous for the Turks.

A little boy asked his father the other day if the fight between the Roosters and the Turkeys was over.

Why can't some clairvoyant shut her eyes and open her mouth, and tell us whether there is to be a war or not?

'It is not proper for you to play school to-day, my child, for it is Sunday.' 'I know it, mother, but I am playing Sunday-school.'

A Miss Tanner, who recently married a widower named Hyde, with eleven children, says she has given up tanning and is now dressing Hydes.

'Jane,' cried a fond mother, sticking her head out of the bedroom door, 'it is eleven o'clock; tell that young man to shut the front door from the outside.'

The human body expands immensely with age. When eleven young men are seated on one side of a car, they can easily sit up a little closer to make room for a pretty girl, but six of them can manage to monopolize an entire seat of the car when an old woman comes in.

The potato bugs are getting anxious about the extent of the new potato crop.

—Daily Star, Marion, OH, April 18, 1878, p. 1.

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