Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Her Yawn Dislocates Jaw, Girl's Note Says


Doctor Puts Painful Member Back Into Place

SAN FRANCISCO — Miss Rose Egan entered the Park Emergency Hospital and handed Dr. C. Silberman a note.

The doctor glanced at the young woman and smiled, without opening the note, the same as women are supposed to feel a letter before opening it in an effort to determine the identity of the sender.

But Miss Rose Egan did not smile. In fact, her face wore a pained expression.

So Dr. Silberman concluded he had better see what the note said.

"I have dislocated my jaw by yawning," it read.

"Will you be seated?" the doctor asked politely. Then he manipulated Miss Egan's jaw and in a moment it was back in place and the pained look had left her face.

"Just before breakfast," she explained, "I sat down to read the paper. I yawned. Something seemed to snap, and my jaw hurt. I tried rubbing it, but that made it worse."

"'Tis a pretty note," Dr. Silberman ruminated afterward. "But, for her sake, I hope she won't yawn so strenuously again."

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