Farm Animals Get Into Dispute Over Bunch of Fodder
FREELING, Virginia, Feb. 26. — That the saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction," is true, was proved by an occurrence that took place near here. Henderson Mullins, a farmer of Cumberland Mountain, turned his horse out of the stable into a lot, giving him a bunch of stalk fodder, which was set against the fence that he might not trample it under foot. A cow from the opposite side of the fence began thrusting her tongue between the rails for the feed.
The horse viciously resented this intrusion by biting the tongue of the cow completely off.
School of Fish in Tender
Small Minnows Found Inside Rail Locomotive
OSAWATOMIE, Kansas, Feb. 26. — Water and fuel famines develop strange occurrences in railroading and occasionally require strenuous incidents to discover them. The which is by way of saying that J. E. Sturges, boilermaker foreman at the roundhouse here, discovered a school of small minnows in the tender of engine No. 125 the other day. The tender was brought into the shops for repairs after colliding with a coal car at Lane.
It is certain the fish had been in the tender for several weeks and that many of them had been dead for some time.
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