Estimates He Has Taken 140,000 Chews of the Weed
ROME, N. Y. - "Uncle Ben" Hasser, who lives near here, has quit chewing tobacco - quit on his 91st birthday, which he celebrated last Saturday.
Uncle Ben says he commenced chewing the weed when he was 14 years old and has never missed a day without putting at least five chews in his mouth. He says he has been doing a little figuring and that during his life he must have taken 140,000 "chews."
He has now gone without his chew for five days and believes he is already weaned from the habit, "but a feller can't jest always tell," he says.
Lumbermen Nearly Saw a Bear In Two
HUBBARD LAKE, Mich. - Charles Noble and Sam Jackson of this village had a very unusual experience the other day when at work in a timber camp.
While sawing through the trunk of a large basswood tree they had just cut down, they came near sawing the body of a live, half-grown bear completely in twain.
As it was, they gave young bruin a slight cut with the saw and were amazed to see the shaggy black beast leap from a hollow in the log and scamper away, howling loud enough to stampede all other wild animals for miles around. Other witnesses vouch for this news story.
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