Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Milk Without Cows Obtained In Orient


Chemist Has Scheme to Eliminate Old Bossy.

How good milk can be obtained without dependence on cows is an interesting suggestion. It is claimed that the demand for good milk and cream may be met without the presence of cows, providing transportation, water and power are available. A prominent American chemist offers the following recital:

"First of all, let us recall that copra is an article of commerce and consists of the dried meats of cocoanuts. It contains from 50 per cent to 63 per cent of oil. There is hardly any limit to the amount that may be produced.

"In India, Cochin China, the South Sea islands and elsewhere the oil has been used as food since the dawn of history, for the fats contained in it are singularly like the milk fats of mammals in most respects. It is already in wide use in this country as 'nut margarine,' which is cocoanut oil into which some butter has been melted and the whole churned with skim milk and worked as ordinary butter."

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