Sunday, May 27, 2007

"Missing Links" — Darwin Rested with a Cigarette


At the age of 73 Darwin declared that a cigaret rested him more after hard labor than all else.

Spectacles were first used in the latter part of the thirteenth century.

The rare operation of amputation at the hip was recently performed at Cincinnati.

The first crop of tea grown in Natal was in the year 1881. To-day Natal tea is common.

Sixteen pints of the juice or sap which makes India rubber are frequently taken from one tree.

At the Bon Marche (cheap market), Paris, last year, 662 persons were arrested for kleptomania.

The climatic limit to the cultivation of wheat is not so much the cold of winter as the heat of summer.

In the Bank of England sixty folio volumes or ledgers are filled daily with writing in keeping the accounts.

The deepest well on our Atlantic coast is that at the silk works near Northampton, Mass.; depth, 3,700 feet.

The older the Christian, the newer he will find God's book.

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