Thursday, May 24, 2007

Of Course, the Bride Knew He Was Wrong


Always That Way When Meek Man Weds Robust Woman

FORT SCOTT, Kansas, Feb. 26. — Sometimes it's easy to see, even before the couple is married, just which is going to be boss of the household and which one is to do the paddling in the boat in which they traverse the matrimonial sea. Habitues of the court house in this city saw a concrete example of this fact this week.

A big, robust woman stepped into the office of Register of Deeds Adler Johnson. She had authority written all over her face and her big frame.

"Is this where I get a license?" she inquired in stentorian voice.

"What kind of a license?" queried Adler.

"A marriage license," said the woman.

"No, we don't handle them," continued Adler. "Go to the first door down the hall on your right."

"I knew at first this wasn't the place," said the big woman with evident disgust; "that's what I told him."

Thereupon she stepped into the hall and when the door opened Adler could see a little, meek-looking man standing on the outside. It was evident that the woman had usurped the command and was going to take charge of the marriage license business, not to mention, of course, the honeymoon and the rest of the alliance.

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