Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Plain Mary" is Now World's Best Cow


Wins Title by Giving 15,525 Pounds of Milk in Year

NEW YORK, N.Y. — "Plain Mary," despite her humble name, has officially humbled "Vice la France," capturing from that champion Jersey cow the world title as a milk and butter producer, it is announced here.

"Plain Mary," who chews her cud in the meadows of Bangor, Maine, when they are not covered with snow, is owned by F.W. Ayers.

She won the championship by producing in one year 15,255 pounds of milk and 1,040 pounds of butter fat.

State Bans Bottled Olives


Their Sale in Glass Containers is Forbidden in Montana

HELENA, Mont., March 18. — Sale of ripe olives and olive preparations in glass containers is prohibited in Montana by a decision of the State Board of Health. This action was taken as a result of the deaths of five persons at Java, Montana, from bacilli botulinum several months ago.

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