SHERIDAN, Wyoming—Government employees engaged on projects in Cheyenne reservation just across the State line in Montana are reported to be greatly alarmed over the warlike attitude of the Indians. Two employees arrived in Sheridan this morning bringing news of a general exodus of white people from the reservation.
While the Indians have so far offered no violence, they are said to be indulging in a series of sun and willow dances, which causes deep concern on the part of the whites. The redskins are dancing night and day.
Later arrivals from the reservation declare that the Indians have not been so wrought up in years. A few days ago a government disbursing agent went on the reservation and paid out $40,000, since which time the Indians have been unusually active and restless. Prior to this time the government project was moving along smoothly. The menacing attitude of the Indians frightened government employees, a number of whom told Engineer Holt, in charge of the work, that they would not take any chances and threw up their jobs.
The Cheyenne tribe numbers about 3,000 and it is reported is making enough noise to keep the entire reservation in a condition of nervous apprehension.
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