Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wife Orders Suit for Her 500-pound Husband


Wife Orders Suit for Her Husband; Tailor Finds He Weights 500 Pounds

WHEELER, Vt. - Several weeks ago Henry Boxlight moved his family here from Blounts Mills. One day last week Mrs. Boxlight entered Peter Norton's tailor shop and ordered a suit of clothes with two pair of trousers for her husband.

Norton was anxious to receive the order and accepted $25 as payment towards a $40 suit. Mrs. Boxlight received a receipt for her money, with a statement for the balance in one month. She informed the tailor that she would send her husband down to be measured for the suit.

The next morning Boxlight called on Norton and revealed the object of his visit by bringing out the sample of the cloth for his suit. Norton angrily refused to take his measurement and offered to refund the $25. Boxlight refused to accept it.

A day later Mr. and Mrs. Boxlight and Norton told their stories to Judge White. Norton said that when he accepted the order he supposed that Mr. Boxlight was an average sized man; that he could not make the suit and trousers for a 500-pound man at $40 - that he would be losing money.

Mrs. Boxlight said her husband's size was no excuse.

Judge White ruled that Norton must carry out the contract.

Mrs. Boxlight and Norton have compromised, it is reported, Norton giving her $5 to cancel the order.

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