Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Country Correspondence — Mount Tabor (Iowa)

Leon, Iowa area (Mt. Tabor, unknown date)

After an absent of three months ye itemizer has got back to one of the fairest spots of the garden of Eden, and now will try to chronicle the most interesting items of the day.

Mrs. Undine Ross formerly Smith and baby Pauline, of Girard, Kansas, is visiting her many friends in this county. She will remain until Sept. and will then return home, and in company with her husband will attend the great World's Fair in Oct.

Mrs. Geo. Dunn and baby Jennie visited Mrs. Smith's last Thursday.

Mr. O. Bassett is building an addition to his residence which will make it quite comfortable when furnished.

Mrs. S. Webster. Mrs. J. Webster, Mrs. U. Ross and baby, and Miss Nannie Smith were Leon callers last Thursday.

Mrs. Margaret Woolsey and children, of Centerville, Iowa, a sister of D. Lillie, is visiting friends in this county.

Mr. Offield, a former resident of this county but now of Woodland, passed through these parts not long ago.

H. Manchester is helping Lewis Hinket harvest.

Blackberry season is here once more.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Lillie visited in the Brush College vicinity last Sunday.

Mrs. Parrish, of Leon, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Johnson visited at R. H. Johnson's last Sunday.

Miss Mattie Bales departed last Monday for St. Louis, Mo. to visit her cousin and family. She will he absent for some time.

Misses Mollie and Bertha Watsabaugh visited their sister last Sunday, Mrs. Geo. Dunn.

P. F. Johnson is studying law under the auspices of Miss Maud Bullock. P. F. is a first class carpenter. We cannot see why he would not make a good lawyer. Success to him in his new work.

Walter Smith in company with his best girl attended Sunday school and church at High Point last Sunday.

O. Bassett is going the rounds with his twine binder.

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