1885, Leon, Iowa area
R. A. Smith died at his residence in Eden township, April 7th, 1885, aged 47 years, after an illness of 18 months.
Deceased was born in Illinois in 1838, and the same year his parents emigrated to Van Buren county, Iowa. In 1864 he was married to Miss Rebecca Perdue, of Decatur county, Iowa. He leaves a wife and 6 children, who mourn the loss of a kind husband and tender father. Services were held at his late residence on the 8th by Elder Wm. Anderson and the undersigned in singing, prayer and reading part of the 15th chapter of Cor. and part of the 4th chapter of 1st Thes. Mr. Smith was well respected by his neighbors, as shown by their kindness during his illness, and their presence and assistance at his burial, which took place at the Leon cemetery. S. A. GARBER.
WOODLAND TP., April 8th, '85
For the consolation of Miss Undine Smith on the death of her father who died the 7th of lingering consumption.
We miss thee, dear father, as we gather
Our household together for prayer or repast.
We miss thee at morning, we miss thee at noontide.
But more at eve when we meet around the hearth.
We look toward the spot, where we're wont to behold thee,
And naught but the vacant chair meets our sad gaze,
But the eye of affection is aided by memory,
And still thou art present though laid in the grave.
We watch for thy coming when twilight shades gather,
And often we listen to catch thy loved voice,
But never on earth shall its glad tones delight us,
Nor again shall thy presence our hearts rejoice.
We miss thee, dear father, at morning, at noontime,
And in calm evening we miss thee more still,
But God in his mercy saw fit to remove thee,
He knows what is best, we bow to his will.
— Mrs. E. E. B.
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