Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lincoln and McKinley on the Tariff


The Republican party always stood for a protective tariff and still stands there. Under that policy this country has grown rich and powerful.

Without the protection to the industries it has enjoyed, New England would now be a howling waste, or pretty near it.

This is what President Lincoln said about a protective tariff:

"I do not know much about the tariff, but I know this much: When we buy manufactured goods abroad we get the goods and the foreigner gets the money. When we buy the manufactured goods at home we get both the goods and the money."

And this was President McKinley's opinion:

"Protection has vindicated itself. It cannot be helped by eulogy or hurt by defamation; it has worked its own demonstration and it presents in the sight of the world its matchless trophies." — Woburn (Mass.) Journal.

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