Friday, June 1, 2007

Topsy, Best of Bloodhounds is Dead

Iowa, 1914

Topsy, one of the most valuable of the bloodhounds in the Shores & Strumpfer kennels, was found dead yesterday morning. She was in her kennel on the premises of Sheriff Shores. Her owners had refused $800 for her.

Saturday evening, when the dogs were fed, Topsy displayed no symptoms of illness. She ate her portion of the evening meal.

An autopsy yesterday showed that death had been caused by acute indigestion.

Topsy was seven years old and was trained by H. G. Strumpfer at Springfield, Ill. She was one of the best criminal trailers in the country, having made a large number of catches. She could trail a man or a horse. Her first work in Waterloo was running the trail of the men who tried to burglarize the safe of the Hudson bank a year ago last autumn.

Her last work was on New Year's day.

Topsy was almost human in her genius for man-trailing. She also was good-tempered and displayed an affectionate nature, which is not common with bloodhounds.

Sheriff Shores has several other man-trailers, but heavily feels the loss of Topsy.

—Waterloo Evening Courier, Waterloo, IA, Jan. 5, 1914, p. 2.

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