Monday, June 4, 2007

What Is a Dead Dog Worth? Up to Court


$100 Is Value Placed by Woman on Animal Killed by Auto

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. — What is a dead dog worth?

If it happens to have been a handsome pet of French poodle-Eskimo breed its value should be fixed at $100 at least, says Mrs. Ella Doyle.

But if it didn't know any better than to run in front of an automobile it isn't worth anything, replies F. M. Stich, a San Francisco merchant.

Justice of the Peace A. T. Barnet is to have the final "say" in the dispute.

The animal was run over and killed by Stich's auto while out for an airing with Mrs. Doyle, its owner. It is the contention of Mrs. Doyle that the machine was operated negligently. She asks $100 damages.

The dog was so intelligent it would even say its prayers before retiring at night, according to the plaintiff.

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