"Good slang is permissible among school children," according to Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Precisely the same thing is true of college boys, of college girls and of the rest of us.
Slang is inevitable. To thunder against it, to ignore it, to burlesque it is equally idle. Since we cannot end it — and really, we should not and would not if we could — the part of wisdom is endeavor to mend it. Let educators direct their satire and condemnation against vulgar, vicious, idiotic slang — of which there is abundance — and they will accomplish something. The slang that is racy, spontaneous, humorous, expressive deserves kindly toleration if not encouragement. Some of it establishes itself and becomes classical English.
As to the question what good slang is, it is manifestly foolish. There is no fixed test, but persons of taste and cultivation have no difficulty in differentiating between legitimate slang and grotesque, silly and offensive slang.
Comment: So, slang is manifestly foolish, yet it deserves kindly toleration if not encouragement, because some of it will establish itself and become classical English (like that's any kind of goal.) "We would not [end it] if we could." Somehow I don't believe you, anonymous writer of long ago.
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