Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fine Home-Made Violin


Kentuckian's Instrument He Wouldn't Trade for a "Strad"

H. H. C. Q. James of Bullitt county, who is an expert performer on the violin, finished making a new violin last Monday, and played on it Tuesday and thinks it has got the best tone of any that he ever heard. The lightest touch of the bow will produce a clear, even and well-sustained sound.

He made the top of cedar and the back and ribs of maple. Two years ago he cut a cedar tree that was known to be seventy-five years old, and sawed from the first cut the piece with which he made the top of the violin, and at the same time he cut the maple, and after thoroughly seasoning he has, with a specially-shaped knife, and a file, made what he considers one of the finest-toned violins he ever heard.

All of his friends are congratulating him on his success and as the violin ages Mr. James expects it to improve in tone. — Salt River (Ky.) Tiger.

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