Saturday, July 14, 2007

Harry Potter Stresses Style in Shoes

Ogden, Utah, 1940

Ogden Women Invited to Visit New Firm On Opening Day

Grand Opening of Store Set Saturday

With a complete stock of the newest spring fashions and a store as attractive as the stock it sells, the Fashion Bootery will have its grand opening Saturday at 2481 Washington, according to Harry Potter, manager.

The store will specialize in women's shoes, hosiery, and bags.

"I am thrilled with the opportunity which this new store will give us to serve the women of Ogden," Mr. Potter said. "I extend an invitation to Ogden women to visit the store on its opening day."

"One of Finest"

"I feel this store will be one of the finest of the kind in the west," added Jack Porad, secretary of the firm. "This is our newest unit of 11 stores in Utah, Washington, Oregon and California. It will bring to Ogden something new in last minute styles from New York, Hollywood and Paris."

Exterior of the store is of Colorado Yule white marble, trimmed in bronze and maroon carrara. The entire interior is of natural walnut. The store is completely air conditioned, and all interior lighting is fluorescent.

Founded In Seattle

The Fashion Bootery firm was founded in Seattle in 1922 by Joseph Porad. Since then it has expanded through the entire west coast.

Harry Potter, manager of the Ogden store, comes here from Portland.

—The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Ogden City, Utah, March 15, 1940, p. 4A.

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