Thursday, July 12, 2007

Many United States Sailors Marry Irish Brides


Plans for Dismantling Naval Stations Are Going Forward Rapidly

Queenstown, Ireland. — Plans for the dismantling of the American naval stations in and around Queenstown are going forward rapidly. Time will be required to remove the base hospital at White Point and much work will be involved in removing the many big warehouses which were brought here from America and set up in record time. Other important parts of the American plant include wireless stations at Queenstown and Aglada and many hutments.

American officers and men have made a deep impression on the people of Queenstown and in other parts of South Ireland, and relations generally have been of the most cordial nature. This is proved by the fact that a number of weddings already have taken place, and more than one American sailor has promised to return for the girl he must leave behind.

Queenstown has prospered greatly since the station was established here, but the people declare their regret in seeing the Americans depart is because they have become accustomed to their presence and like them for the fine young fellows they are.

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