Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Much Fun with Stop Watch


Owner Describes a Variety of Ways in Which He Has Found It Affords Him Diversion

"Having a stop watch," says the man who had just bought one, "reveals a whole lot of ways of amusing yourself that you'd hardly think of before.

"Since I've had a watch I've been able to while away a lot of time. Not a pun, either. For instance, walking in the city where the numbered blocks make calculating easy, I am continually holding the watch on my pedestrian efforts.

"I figure first how long it takes me walk a block. Going at top speed so that some folks think I'm mad, I have been able to do 88 yards in 29 2-5 seconds, or about seven miles an hour.

"Then, of course, I time all intermediate distances up to a mile. I've learned pretty well just what four miles an hour means, and I want to tell you that folks who speak so glibly about doing that ought to hold a watch on their performances to see what it means.

"The other day I got up some sprint races between some boys, just so I could time their running. I find there's lot of fun, too, in making imaginary bets with myself how long it will take me to catch up with some one else walking in the same direction or how long it will be before a car gets to a certain crossing.

"Also a stop watch is a great thing for timing how long you can hold your breath."

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