Felt He Was Insane, so Lay Still to Be Bound — Summons Police by a Moan
Suppose you were all alone in the house —
And the back door bell rang just about the time the grocer's boy usually came around for morning orders —
And instead of the grocer's boy a man stood there pointing a gun at you —
What would you do?
Scream? Run? Bang the door shut? Become paralyzed with fear? Try to grab the gun? Pray? Let the thief in?
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. 16. — Pretty Lucille Hoyt, a 17-year-old high school pupil of this city, opened the door in her home to find a man pointing a gun at her.
Lucille says she just backed slowly away.
"As soon as I reached the dining-room door I intended to run and lock myself in the upstairs room," Lucille said.
"But the thief caught me in the dining-room. My impulse was to struggle, but as the burglar grabbed me by both shoulders and shook me, I knew by the glare in his eyes he was insane.
Lay Perfectly Quiet
"It flashed thru my head that some one had said the quieter you were with insane people the less violent they would be.
"So when the fellow threw me on the floor and grabbed a couple of card table covers to tie my wrists and ankles with, I lay like a dead person.
"Then he gagged me with a napkin. The knot was loose and the gag slipped down.
"But the man didn't notice. And he stepped right over the telephone that had fallen to the floor, and ran upstairs.
"I wriggled over to the phone, and just as I got it into my bound hands it buzzed.
Moans "Send the Police"
"It was my cousin, Mrs. B. A. Gilliland. I heard the thief coming down the stairs, so I just had time to say 'Send the police,' when in he rushed.
"He ran past me, cursing. Then I heard him lock the back door as he went out.
"I lay there waiting for the police and I kept thinking 'Where have I seen that face before?'
"Then I remembered he was the same man who had come to the back door to ask for a drink of water Monday. I was all alone, then, too. But he didn't try to get in that time."
The police broke thru the window to release the girl.
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