The following prophecies about the war are taken from a book printed in Turin in 1858 entitled "A Collection Of Some Remarkable Prophecies and Vaticinations."
A Swiss hermit who died in St. Gall in 1760 predicted there would be "famine, hunger, devastations and considerable mortality thruout Europe in 1915."
An anonymous French monk wrote toward the end of the eighteenth century that "in 1915 the Turks, Heretics, Schismatics, Catholics and Idolators of foreign nations will go against each other with anger and fury," adding:
"The first spark of the great war will start from the north. The war will last about two years and the armies of the enemies will not invade the apostate empire, but they will surround and wait until the rebels return to their duty. They (the rebels), however, will not make any act of submission or of repentance, but continue their excesses, so that all the powers of Europe will be allied against them."
This prediction ends with a description of Te Deums and thanksgiving services in all churches and temples "for the victory of the Allies."
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